André Woodley Jr.

founder. engineer. creative.

The Greatest Live On

I was looking at how solar flares hit the Earth and learned about the Van Allen radiation belt...the Van Allen...radiation belt. Who discovered the Van Allen Radiation Belt? You guessed it, more specifically James A. Van Allen. Where there is care for "that thing" and longevity in it, names will be remembered for progress.

Everything seems to works this way. 
Sports work this way - Dan Gable, Kobe Bryant
Empires - Roman and Ceasar
Philosophy - Marcus Aurelius
Business - J.P. Morgan, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet
Institutions - Tesla
Science - Newton's law of gravitation

As long as you achieve something amazing that pushes things forward and it continues to be relevant, you can be remembered. The thought of living on is counter intuitive. I don't think they aimed to live on forever; rather, I think they aimed to do great work and go deeper and deeper into their work. Maybe the better process is to acknowledge, comprehend and get to work.

The question isn't do we want to live on. Maybe it is do we want to do meaningful deep work and not stop; and if so, where can we grow to care about enough we want to continue doing deep work and high amounts of contribution in. Where can we contribute that has an endless game even after we pass. 

Will your name live on?