André Woodley Jr.

founder. engineer. creative.

Reddit is Amazing for User Research

Reddit is the one place for the highest authentic feedback on anything. Its unbiased, raw, filtered and people just don't give about how you feel when it comes to their thoughts and input. You can literally research user feedback on your product, your competitors product and identify opportunities in the market place. One major hack when researching and hyper focusing on where to find exactly what you want using Reddit is using Google Search and typing in "what ever your looking for"

This will identify all reddit posts / forums with the keywords you're looking for or anything like it. 

A couple other things I do:

  1. Generate a list of products and each one typing it in Google to see what users think of it.
  2. Observe comments (like really read it) to pick up complaints, opportunities, feature requests, and general sentiment.
  3. If competitors or nothing exists find similar products and topics.

As for other places with similar feels. Facebook is a closed platform so its not easy to find them. Twitter is now closed as well and generally comments in social platforms where identity is exposed aren't as good but worth a shot. Other platforms may be better depending on the age groups and demographics. Just figure how how to hack the search so you can research effectively on the other platforms. Click Here to try out the search

God Speed;